Saturday, February 6, 2010

Gandhi ?

What with all the recent economic and political upheaval, not to mention uncertainty in the world today, I have been giving a lot more thought to my own political and social beliefs of late. Whilst ive always been pretty steadfast in my own beliefs, ive never really been able to align myself with mainstream political values. I may have fairly right wing feelings towards some aspects of life, but also some fairly socialist views on others ,which is why I probably dont identify with any of the current political parties in the UK. So a friend of mine suggested I visit this site and take a short survey to get some sort of overall impression on where I stand on numerous issues. The survey asks a series of simple questions relating to Economic, Political, Moral, Sexual and Religious values, and then provides a personalised 'score' based on the responses.
Apparently Im a left wing libertarian with very similar beliefs to Gandhi... which is fine by me. Anyway here is my 'result' chart.....

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