Thursday, December 31, 2009

Big Ole' Moon.....

Cant really copyright the moon eh !

A stroll to blow the cobwebs away ....

As with most people at this time of the year, Ive spent the last few days doing nothing more than watch telly and eat stuff I really shouldnt... so, today I decided to go for a stroll at Hurcott Pool, Kidderminster....
I love it there and here are a couple of shots which will hopefully show just why...

All images copyright VirtuousCirclePhotography / John Colson

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lions (the band !)

One aspect of my work that I thoroughly enjoy is getting out and shooting gigs. Apart from the chance to see great bands live, everynow and again I'll see a new band that blows me away. One such band supported MonsterMagnet at the Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton recently....

The band are called 'Lions' and hail from Austin, Texas. All I can say is I gave up taking shots of their set after one song, so that I could stand back and enjoy the ir music. For me, a blend of Sabbath, Soungarden, Led Zep and Janes Addiction ....  check em' out !!

To see more shots (and read my rivetting review), pop on over to

All images Copyright VirtuousCirclePhotography / John Colson

Latest Shoot ..

In order to ensure that this blog doesn't feel too neglected whilst I stuff myself with Turkey  .... here are a couple of shots from my latest shoot with Joanne....

All images Copyright VirtuousCirclePhotography / John Colson

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The first post ....

So .... who am I ?

For the purposes of this blog, I'm John, a photographer based in a sleepy little town called Kidderminster, England (famous for not a lot ...other than its steam trains, carpets and the fact that Robert Plant lived nearby once (Kidderminster that is, not England))...

I've been taking pictures of numerous wonderful people, places and bugs for a while now, and this blog is intended to act as a record of my photographic adventures.

I specialise in 'Alternative Fashion' (whatever that is) and music photography, although I do dabble in Weddings, fine art and other stuff. I work for a number of websites / magazines and have been lucky enough to travel to far and wide (i.e. further than Coventry) doing what I love.....

2009 has its ups and downs (for everyone), but 2010 is already promising to be a great year with some fantastic projects lined up.

So... I'll leave this opening post here with an example of my work, and a promise to report on the fantastic gig I had the privilege of shooting last night... 'The Wildhearts' at the Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton.

Until next time......

Copyright: VirtuousCirclePhotography / John Colson